Wednesday, August 14, 2013

A Little Enthusiasm could Turnaround India

Bikash Choudhury

67th Independence Day brings its own emotion even to the Politicians on the Television Studio; they helplessly feign why we could not achieve basic facility for our people even after 66 years of self rule. While smaller Asian Countries have made remarkable progress on all fronts in Development and Technology. Recently a few Pakistani Soldiers came inside our territory and mercilessly butchered five of our soldiers; little earlier two of our soldiers have been beheaded still our people do not react now; while, the same people had shown the courage to drive away the British Empire from our soil. What is lacking is “Little Enthusiasm”; that is why our Parliament remain dead lock most of the time and when it does operate, speakers after speaker address to an empty gallery, bureaucracy operates with glum face in spite of being highly paid, Teachers in schools and colleges deliver their lectures mostly looking at their watches and students listen earring for the next bell; there are more examples that can fill this page, but, this author also lack little enthusiasm to complete this page.


Some how, little enthusiasm has returned and we see parliamentarians passionately discuss and debate on important issues concerning our Nation while witty repartees some times fill the house with vociferous laughter and compliments given and accepted at the end of important interventions. The thought of ‘confederation of anarchist’ has vanished into thin air. In the week ends, bureaucrats congregate to play and watch a game of football with family in tow and return to their desk on Monday with a bright face and full of life to accomplish objectives and work in team spirit. Teachers now teach with passion bring knowledge and perspective to the young minds to create resonance while actively participate in Cultural and Sports on week ends. Workers in the fields whistle away in ecstasy while tending to the crops. That calls for celebration on 67th Independence Day on 15th August 2013.    

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