Sunday, August 25, 2013

How to Kill Rape and Rapist?

Bikash Choudhury

Once again the gang rape of an innocent Photo Journalist in the heart of Mumbai has shocked the Nation. The break down of law and order in the country is complete; as the the country still awaits the conviction of the five accused in case of Delhi incident “Nirvaya”. This amount to complete failure of ‘System’ in our country that simply fails to provide safety and security to the 50 % of our population that is ‘women’. When system completely fails Individuals; then, Revolution truly begins. And therefore if women don’t take this issue on their own hands and to its logical conclusion then every day we find one such incident in our news paper headline and forget about when we close down the news paper and keep it aside without knowing that one such day one of our loved ones could be the targets and we live to regret the loss and shame. Alternatively, women should get organized to give the same treatment to the five accused in Mumbai case on the streets of Mumbai that could shake the mindset and instill fear among culprits and also put the State on Notice against future failure on issues related to women safety and security. Further, women’s group could approach Industry to develop a sleek Tranquilizer Pistol to arm women for their personal safety. If our women do not rise this time then it would be too late on the day as the rapist would rule the roost while our State machinery remain a sad and mute spectator to the suffering women in our country.    

Monday, August 19, 2013

Early General Election Could Save Indian Economy

Bikash Choudhury

Now Indian Economy has truly shifted to the ICU; with falling and failing Indian Rupee in the currency market with growing current account deficit, FII withdrawing investments in the country, FDI Pipe running dry along with plummeting Industrial production and growing food & petroleum prices. The good doctor now questioning him; if, half a century long reading, teaching and practicing Economics were any good? The RBI Governor Designate can offer the Govt. one simple advice to save the economy from further turmoil; and that is announcement of General Election in December 2013. That could work as the life saving drug for Indian Economy. There is a simple analogy for this prescription which good doctor failed to learn. Elections in India are very expensive affair both for the State, for the Political Parties and for the candidates fighting elections for Parliamentary and Legislative Assembly seats. If we assume Rs. 1000 is the cost to reach to an electorate by all Political Parties and respective candidates then the total expenses in the Parliamentary election alone would amount to over Rs. 70,000 Crore. And, this huge amount of money would come to the mainstream economy through the market as the Election machinery of Political parties and candidates would consume Automobiles to Aircraft, Loud Speakers for the rallies to Lanterns for the Village Campaigns, Paid news to TV Commercials and food & wine in very huge quantity to impress upon the voters to cast their votes in their favor. The net result could be the demand for goods and services in all most all sectors of the economy rise in a short period of time which could arrest the downward movement of the economy to an extent. Further, apart from the money part; there would be a passionate fight between two National Parties. One would try to retain power at all cost and other would leave no stone unturned to regain power after 10 yrs in the opposition benches as the “Shining India” campaign bombed on their face in 2004. The Regional parties would also give a tough fight in their respective fiefdoms. There will be heightened Competition among candidates as there would be a lot on stake, emotion would run high and enthusiasm would return in place of monotony. At the end, there would be Hope that the next Govt. would be better than previous one and current level of despair would give rise to creativity. But, how can we convince the good doctor that this may be his last best prescription for the Indian Economy?  Fax: 0674-2725130/2720985
Mobile: 9853426657/9238912647 Address: Flat # 105 Kalpataru Nivas(apartment), Patia,Bhubaneswar Odisha,INDIA-751024 Twitter: @ideasofhope Blog: 

Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Dear Mr. K.K.Ghori,

I read your article with interest and agree with you; but, tragedy is where does the solution lie?

Pakistan and India struggling Economically, why on earth they should pursue animosity where there is a need for Collaboration for Mutual benefits.

Pakistan is now a dangerous perpetrator of terrorism and also at the same time the Worst sufferer; but, Pak Military , ISI and others pursue vendetta against India which in long run could dismember Pakistan once again.

My thinking is that Popular Opinion in Pakistan must be for Peace and Development which is not being articulated appropriately by Politicians and Military is trying to perpetuate their Leverage to Power much against the National Interest of Pakistan.

When will Pakistani People call off their bluff, remain to be seen?

Kind Regards,

Bikash Choudhury
Bhubaneswar City


Objective: To assist civic authorities to transform Bhubaneswar City into a “World Class City” in 10 yrs.
[Cleanliness & Hygiene, Green Cover and City Infrastructure]


·      Awareness of City Residents

·      Consultation and Engagement with Civic Authorities

·      Organizing and Deploying Multi-Dimensional Talent Pool of the City

·      Organizing Volunteering for the City Welfare

·      Fund Raising for Projects of Bhubaneswar Task Force


·      Conversion of Solid Waste of Homes into Compost Manure

·      Deployment of Dry Urinals in the City

A Little Enthusiasm could Turnaround India

Bikash Choudhury

67th Independence Day brings its own emotion even to the Politicians on the Television Studio; they helplessly feign why we could not achieve basic facility for our people even after 66 years of self rule. While smaller Asian Countries have made remarkable progress on all fronts in Development and Technology. Recently a few Pakistani Soldiers came inside our territory and mercilessly butchered five of our soldiers; little earlier two of our soldiers have been beheaded still our people do not react now; while, the same people had shown the courage to drive away the British Empire from our soil. What is lacking is “Little Enthusiasm”; that is why our Parliament remain dead lock most of the time and when it does operate, speakers after speaker address to an empty gallery, bureaucracy operates with glum face in spite of being highly paid, Teachers in schools and colleges deliver their lectures mostly looking at their watches and students listen earring for the next bell; there are more examples that can fill this page, but, this author also lack little enthusiasm to complete this page.


Some how, little enthusiasm has returned and we see parliamentarians passionately discuss and debate on important issues concerning our Nation while witty repartees some times fill the house with vociferous laughter and compliments given and accepted at the end of important interventions. The thought of ‘confederation of anarchist’ has vanished into thin air. In the week ends, bureaucrats congregate to play and watch a game of football with family in tow and return to their desk on Monday with a bright face and full of life to accomplish objectives and work in team spirit. Teachers now teach with passion bring knowledge and perspective to the young minds to create resonance while actively participate in Cultural and Sports on week ends. Workers in the fields whistle away in ecstasy while tending to the crops. That calls for celebration on 67th Independence Day on 15th August 2013.