Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Dear Mr. Giridhar,

I read your article in TNIE with interest; while respecting your view point, I have following comments to make on the subject.
1. Azim Premji Foundation and University and its work in education sector are Innovative from start and a case of path breaking Leadership; as Azim Premji forms a minuscule part of Corporate Leaders who chose a domain like Education and tried to contribute his wealth and Management Depth and Organizational capabilities for a National Cause. This I Consider INNOVATION AND LEADERSHIP
2. US President said in our Parliament and we also observe and understand that India is a creative Nation--- And, there is a huge potential for Innovation & Leadership in each domain of Human endeavor as it is proved by Indians in many Western Countries.
3. India has already wasted 65 years after Independence and therefore Need Urgently Institutions that would Promote Innovation & Leadership from the start.
4. There are a few areas which need Immediate and Urgent Intervention through Innovation and Innovative Leadership; and, that could happen if a few more Corporate Leaders follow in the path of Azim Premji and open their portion of their wealth, management capabilities and organization to make a difference to this Nation.

a. Technology and Management of Solid Waste Disposals in Indian Cities

b. Conservation and Management of Fresh Water and Sources

C.Technology for Low cost Roads of Global Standards

d. Technology for Fuel Efficient Aircraft, Railways and Road Transport

E.Low cost Technology for Food Grain Storage in Rural Areas

5. In my Opinion if Top 500 Corporate in India encourage and support their Employees for Innovation & Entrepreneurship inside their organization then we may not have to wait long to reap the benefit of Innovation & Leadership as a Nation.

Thanking You.
Kind Regards,

Bikash Choudhury
Socio-Economic-Political Activist

Mob: 09853426657

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