Monday, April 29, 2013


Bikash Choudhury

Chacha Nehru passed away a broken man; courtesy Chinese aggression of 1962. Nehru Ji personally invested so much on ‘Panchaseel’ and on Non-alignment foreign policy of India and yet China did strike India hard as it was least prepared for a military confrontation in the northern reaches of Himalayas then and not well prepared even now. Our gentle man Prime Minister says “we can resolve the current dead lock in Ladakh through dialogue and we have a plan”. May be PM is right now; but, can he buy an insurance against future aggression from China? China is playing geo-politics in the region for a long term and it can not be contained by appeasement or sweet talk. Their intention is very clear now and they consider India as a threat to their future hegemony in Asia and beyond. India can’t afford to seat complacently any further. Die is already cast and apparently China would make an attempt once again to strike India in 2-3 yrs time to bruise its Global standing and capture some territories like Arunanchal Pradesh which it claims as its own. India has very little option now than the policy of ‘offence is best defense’. Indians have to move quickly and get an International Coalition in place comprising of Japan and South Korea to give the Dragon Country a run for its money by suitably targeting its economic sectors and defense establishments in the costal belt; while preparing for a medium term trade embargo on all its goods and services to choke its economic advantages. But, simultaneously India has to strangulate China by actively promoting pro democracy movements inside the country while drawing Global attention to its track records on Liberty and Free Press. Hard nosed Chinese Communist Party bosses could be tempted to repeat the “Tiananmen Square” incident once again which might subsequently become the death knell in the coffins of last communist bastion. And as a result of which we can once again have “Tibet” as the neutral buffer State between India and China. Sooner India takes a call on this it would be better for its security and territorial integrity. Indian Foreign Minister must now cancel his trip to China and also communicate its unwillingness to host any dignitaries from China till such time the border dispute is   resolved.
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