Saturday, February 2, 2013


Bikash Choudhury

India was dismembered under a colonial rule in 1947 to serve the interest of the super power of the time; falling and failing British Empire. It intrigues me and millions of Indians; as, how a small Island Nation could control not only India but a large part of humanity and earth for centuries? This must have been due to two important things; one is the National Unity and the second one being the Leadership. If India were to redraw the map of Asia on ground and in the mindset (without firing a bullet); then, it should attempt to forge National Unity and Develop a Strong & Bold Leadership. It is quite possible to reverse the division of India in letter and spirit if we could play our cards well enough. Pakistan has been a thorn in the neck since its inception more due to its military and fundamentalist leadership who have thus far run and ruined the civilian Leadership and ordinary peace loving and cricket aficionado Pakistanis. Given a choice Pakistanis would love to sing and dance with Indians in Mussiarahs either in Mumbai or in Lahore. India needs to enhance the quality and quantity of its contacts with Pakistan civil society in spite of all odds; while dealing with war mongers and people with evil designs very firmly. Indian security establishments has enough depth to keep tab on those elements stealthily and neutralize them in covert operation inside or outside the designated territory; in this apparently the peace loving people would co-operate with India on their own interest. India has started well with Bangladesh but it needs more momentum; as columnist after columnist advised India to be more open and broad minded while dealing with its neighbors by addressing their sensitive concerns. The West Bengal Govt. has been a stumbling block on this; as Mamata Banerji remains very scared of red brigade. But, she can be brought around with little dosages of ego massages which our NSA could do well. Further, India need to invest heavily on Tibetan issue to give justice to suffering people of Tibet while attempting to restore neutral state status of Tibet and a buffer between India and China. All of this could happen without firing a bullet and changing the map of Asia substantially in this century.    

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