Saturday, September 22, 2012


Bikash Choudhury

Does Mukesh Ambani household in “Anatolia” need subsidized LPG? While millions of our countrymen live on the streets of our cities and in the slums. And, millions or more teenage children go to work on the roads of our towns and megalopolis, men who build our homes, offices, airports, roads and railway net work fail to send their children to school and mothers in Delhi send their young girls to flesh trade to eke out a living. It is about time for those left with little sense and sensibilities to think about these people who are also equal citizens of this country. Island of prosperity with a sea of deprivation can’t make a happy Nation possible. Therefore, Govt. at the center and states prepare a “Negative” list of people and organization that can’t avail any public subsidies and on top of the list should be Member of Parliaments and State Assemblies and individuals and organizations having income of a million rupees and above. Further, there should be provision for people and organization to declare themselves into the “negative list” voluntarily by virtue of their inherited wealth or those who amassed wealth subsequently to reduce the transaction cost of enforcing such a policy.

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