Sunday, May 20, 2012


 Bikash Choudhury

 Bharatia Janata Party now resembles a house in complete mess and rudderless unlike its time in 1980 when it was being driven by twin leadership of Vajpayee Ji & Advani Ji who otherwise have the distinction of having half a century long political partnership and personal friendship. Pramod Mahajan, who could have filled the big shoes vacated by the twin leadership tragically passed away in his prime. Arun Jeteley and Shushama Swaraj, while former remain at best master strategist behind the scene and the latter a skillful campaigner with oratorial prowess; both lack charisma, acumen for top political leadership and administrative experience. More importantly they do not any shelf life. Advaniji not in a position to call off his pre-retirement political predicament; one of his own making (la Jihna episode) and other because of his advancing age and health. If by chance BJP repeats Nitin Gadakari as President of the party the second time; UPA would happily go all the way to bank to encash as Gadakari does not have what it takes to lead the party from the front in an election season. Under Gadakari’s leadership party could wipe out half its numbers in the lower house in 2014. BJP is ready for a cyanide pill bite moment if it does not call Narendra Modi lock stock and barrel and that with complete unanimity and backing of RSS. Modi is the only leader in BJP with charisma and aggression and acumen of an ace leader and his administrative abilities-- that socio economic progress of Gujurat under his leadership remains the testimony for the country and more specifically to the younger generation. His Sadabhavana campaign was well timed and would help bury any residual negativity. Ideally, Narendra Modi should be anointed as the next president of BJP in the impending National executive meeting of the party and let him move to Delhi to select a brand new team that would eventually take the party into 2014 general election; the stakes are high for the BJP, as a third straight loss could be catastrophic for the party and could also bring it to its moments of existential crisis.
BJP currently needs a leader with his own mind but having the ability to take the dissenter along. Modi remains the best bait for the party for his towering personality and unwavering leadership in face of challenges. Modi has also been successful in making niche among younger voters in the country for his unambiguous approach and powerful but simple technique of mass communication. His long organizational experience could put system in place that could convert the dissatisfaction with the incumbent govt. into votes for the party. If India were to become a powerful Nation; then, we should encourage and promote leaders like Modi into the next orbit.

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