Saturday, March 10, 2012

Vote Bank Politics Bombed

Bikash Choudhury

Rahul Gandhi came out of his residence with three weeks of stubbles on
face and gracefully conceded defeat and took the responsibility for
the debacle before any more sycophant Congress leaders could belittle
him with their inexplicable defense of their leader which is uncalled
for and inappropriate. Rahul admitted that he was heading the Congress
campaign and the victory or defeat; he will take both on his stride.
While returning after meeting the press; Mrs. Gandhi Jr. was there to
receive him with affection and hand around the shoulders; this was a
sisterly consolation or a political collaboration to follow, camera
lenses failed to capture. Nobody or none would disagree with Rahul’s
contribution for bringing down invincible Maya (only a perception)
from her high pedestal; but, completely failed to capture the votes;
in spite of clocking over 200 rallies during election campaigning and
over five years of ground work and public contact programs, padayatras
and camp fires at Dalit’s homes. A neutral observer would know that
Rahul’s efforts in UP was over shadowed by a poor, extremely corrupt,
inefficient and in effective UPA 2 Govt. at the centre with
questionable track record in Governance; which eventually did the
tricks for Congress not only in UP but also in Punjab where Congress
failed to capture the benefits of anti incumbency against the Badals
and in Uttarakhand where Congress failed to capture a simple majority.
Actually, Congress game plan of vote bank politics exploded on their
face; as smart electorate could see through the unnecessary
controversy around Batala House encounter, 4.5% minority reservation
and at the end Presidents rule threat; and, came out in large numbers
to vote for their party of choice; and Congress was not one among
them-the so called money power, muscle power and the power over CBI
came to naught. The count down for
general election 2014 truly begins here and now; as it adds fresh
challenges for the Congress party to retain power for the third time
which may prove to be a Herculean task. Congress party could at least
save the initiative to keep a fighting chance for 2014; by removing
their Hitler Didi attitude and adopting a collaborative frame work for
Governance while lifting the inertia to faster decision making and by
taking bold steps to alter the structural and systemic epidemics in
Governance by focusing once again on issues like Bijli, Sadak & Pani
and Roti, Kapada & Makan.

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