Sunday, November 27, 2011

What my India should be?


‘Chanakya’, the great Indian philosopher
wished, dreamt and worked for an undivided India; and, a few million
young people of India join me to second that vision of “Sampurna
Bharat and Samparna Bharat”; if not politically; at least emotionally,
economically and culturally. That should save ten billion USD
approximately, a year; by pruning three defence forces (India,
Pakistan & Bangladesh) to 1.5. Visualise an India that could attract
people from all continents for its wealth in art, craft and culture;
as it used to be, five hundred years ago. India with healthy and happy
people full of intelligence, education and skills that should be
cynosure of World. Indian cities, towns and country side full of
greenery. Rivers with crystal clear water that reflects an India that
boasts of World class infrastructure-roads, rail net work, airport &
seaport and a clean India rivalling best in the World.

How would I change my India today? “Man is born free; but, every where
in chains” said Rousseau. Sadly, that is true for India even today; as
India won freedom since 15 th August 1947 a good 64 years ago; but,
Indians find themselves in bondage; politically, economically and also
socially. The Governance model left behind by Britishers does not suit
a free country and that needs a complete overhaul to embrace the
spirit of freedom, creativity and entrepreneurship. Today, Indian
private enterprise has gained global scale and competence; therefore,
in National interest Government should exit slowly but steadily from
commercial ventures to enhance efficiency and minimize bureaucracy.
That should change lock-stock and barrel. India should retain its
natural advantage in “English Language” but, at the same time must
reemphasise and strengthen its reach treasure of Indian languages to
add to the National integration. We must give “teachers/academician”
the highest place in the society that would subsequently attract
talent into education domain and also redefine the quality of
education delivery.

How we can get there? The spontaneous support of young people in large
number across the country in the movement against corruption confirms
that our young people are aware about the issues facing the nation and
are willing to contribute to the National cause. Youths of today are
smarter lot; who understand that money spent in defence is waste of
tax payer’s money; they would rather prefer a chunk of such resources
deployed in the “developmental investment”; which would have a
multiplier effect in the economy of the region and secure their future
and ensure prosperity. They only look forward to a clean and
transparent rallying point and communication backbone. Young Indian
Leaders would emerge and capture the opportunity. Further, Indian
media would create a platform that would connect the young people in
the University/College campus in the region to bring about a change.
Young people also need to be prepared for public life to offer the
country a young leadership to bring about a change in the “Idea” of
India and the way it should be governed in the future. During the
freedom struggle many rich people contributed resources generously to
fight against British Empire; now, we wish 10% of our rich people to
contribute/invest 10% of their net income for 10 years to create World
class infrastructure in the country, conserving our precious water
bodies and paint the country Green; that should help a new India
emerge, of our dreams.

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