Monday, May 23, 2011

Assembly line for Leadership

[Published in Orissa Post on 14 May 2011]

Bikash Choudhury

Is our over protective family culture and values responsible for an aging political leadership? Statistics has never been a perfect science; but, sometimes the data would stare you in the face. Our top political leadership in Union Govt, the laws of central tendencies would stay at 72 years of age, Leadership in opposition in Parliament also no different, at 69 yrs of age on average. Leadership in States taking into account twenty two States; the average age stands at 63 yrs of age. Irony is the country sports of population of over sixty percent below 35 yrs of age. Contrast is also equally baffling; as the average age of top leadership in developed countries around 50, while their demography favors old age in large number. What is this phenomenon? And why it is so? Can call these Phenomena of divergent family culture & values. As the close knit family system does not allow experimentation at early age and therefore people mature little later than their western counterparts in developed countries. Since their family system allow individuals to live independently at an early age and make decisions about living, livelihood and their lives. But, this hypothesis does raise an important concern for India in the next decade; if the status quo persists further, our top leadership in 2020 would still be older than the current decade.
Interestingly, Indian Political leadership comes from a very narrow base and that is one of the biggest problem facing the strength of younger leadership; mostly, our current top leadership come from traditional political families or Legal background or Business or from Media and retired bureaucrats and few from university campuses. Middle class almost shun political leadership sweep stakes and 'raison d’ĂȘtre' of our aging leadership. Further, fast pace economic growth in last two decades has also complicated matter in this domain as it has thrown up lucrative opportunity for talented and potential leaders in the private sector that makes leadership in political domain full of risk and unattractive proposition. Further, amount of expenses involved in Political Activism & in electoral process dissuade many as it is fit for rich and famous who can afford and fewer of them can sustain without adopting short-cut.
Harvard Business Review (HBR) in a recent study on "Social Intelligence and the Biology of Leadership" by Daniel Goelman & Richard Boyatzis finds that” Leaders can improve group performance by understanding the biology of Empathy" .India currently stands at disadvantage as the aging leaders would find it difficult to understand the biology of empathy of a large population of young people. Conventionally, young people stand for Speed and Quantity wherein senior people represent wisdom of experience and discretion. Hybrid strategy of leadership could be followed by India at present and if need be in the next decade. Futuristic India must be driven by its Young Leaders with senior citizens leadership being Advisers by choice; that could eventually deliver both Quantity & Quality in Governance. Country urgently needs an assembly line for leadership to shape leaders of future decade.
We need to design a unique leadership program keeping in view of its need, culture and value system. Indian Young leaders of the future decade should be physically strong, professionally competent with Intellectual depth. They must also possess ability to inspire people with varied Indian languages, strong belief in ethics and must be financially liberated with a Spartan life style. Leadership Gurukul can be developed by Govt or Corporate in tier two cities where students of Gurukul can complete their formal education of choice in the city while attending and living the leadership coaching specially designed to transform students into empowered World Class leaders on their own right. After completion of their studies and leadership training they can join any Political party of their political persuasion to give a able leadership from Govt. or from opposition. Ideally Leadership Gurukul should recruit students across the country having ambition for political leadership in the age group of 18-25. Potential Leaders must have academic excellence, physical prowess and deep knowledge about the country and also should meet other requirements of World Class Leadership and with passion to contribute towards Nation Building

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