Thursday, November 25, 2010

Complete Deal Against Corruption

Bikash Choudhury

This refers to stalemate of parliament in winter session. JPC or
no JPC, the corruption in politics and public life is unlikely to die
down; because, the strcture of our political system currently rests on
'Hypocracy'. We can't probably blame any single political party or
politician for the current spate of corruption cases as it transcends
politician,bureaucrats,Army top brass, Senior Bankers and corporate
entity. Opposition parties are aware and have promised "Public Funding
of Election" in their manifesto which could be a good starting point
for a corrption free public life. This will help restore public
confidence over politicians and go a long way to stop corruption in
the bureaucracy to large extent. Therfore, prinicipal opposition party
must return to Loksabha and rather, bring a private member bill on the
subject if treasury benches dither. That would be a complete "Deal"
against corruption.

Friday, November 19, 2010


Bikash Choudhury

Low Cost Quality Improvement Program:


1. Paucity of Highly Competent and Motivated Subject Teachers in the Govt. School system in our State of Odisa.
2. Difficulty of Govt. to provide for such teachers in all Schools for a long time due to issues related to finance, Infrastructural bottlenecks and complex societal factors.


1. Mass Education Dept. can address this challenge by “Help develop audio-visual content” for each class & each subject of [K1-10] by Identifying most competent teachers for each subject and class curriculum and producing audio-visual contents and distribute such contents in all five thousand plus schools in the State.
2. Further, all schools can be allotted just required funds to either purchase or hire audio visual equipments at the level of respective schools to screen class room contents to reinforce the class room interaction of subject teachers.
3. The Teachers deployed for producing digital contents can be compensated suitably in addition to their respective emoluments on the basis of class feed backs.


1. This should initially and temporarily solve the shortage of subject teachers in schools and improve the “Quality of Class Room Learning” hopefully.
2. This may help develop a healthy competion among teachers pool and create a “meritocracy among subject teachers”.
3. This model could also help develop small entrepreneurs in rural areas. Who will supply Audio-Visual equipments to school on rent.
4. This ‘QIP’ model is less capital intensive and scaleable in very short time.

Successful Precedent:

1. A company named “Educomp” has been offering digital contents to 23,000 Schools and 1.2 crore students and teachers for last ten years at a cost of Rs. 75-150 per student which could be an expensive proposition for the Mass Education Dept.; therefore, Dept. can develop a unique model within the system to provide digital contents to schools at fraction of such cost.

2. Greycells18 Media is another organization which provides interactive educational services on television.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Nationality Triumphs Over Humanity?

Bikash Choudhury

World Peace lost 1st potential benefactor in former USSR President Mikhail Gorbachev and may loose 2nd potential Global Peace activist in current US President, Barak Obama; if, American people continue to take him to task; that would weaken his Presidency.
Current US problem on economy and unemployment is not of his own making. Rather, Obama inherited a sliding economy and an indebted nation as legacy of former President Bush Jr.;American people instead must back Obama to the hilt and let him resolve the residual problems of last century threatening Global Peace.
Job Creation in American economy and rest of the World would much depend on the quantum of global funds being diverted from un-productive defense expenditure to more productive developmental expenditure. Global defense expenditure stands at whopping 1.5 trillion dollars in 2009 at current prices. Most of the nation states produce huge quantity of arms and ammunitions at the expense of their own under privileged people due to the “vicious cycle of arms race”. Human species is considered most intelligent on this planet; however, produce weapons that could destroy whole human civilization in a factor of four. This is because ‘ego of nationality continues to triumph over humanity’.
World needs a towering personality of Barak Obama’s ability & perspective to aggressively pursue peace and development in the world. And, that would be in the interest of American economy, both in short term and in the long run. USA & India, two large democracies can be natural partner not only for faster development of economy but for global peace on mutual interest.