Tuesday, March 25, 2014


Dear Mrs. Usha Padhee,
With reference to recent news report about inauguration of smart class rooms in 5000 Govt. schools recently. This is some thing unprecedented and achieved in very short time. Kudos to you and your team who conceived and executed the program.
I wish to suggest the following to Improve Quality Learning & Encourage Leadership in Students Community.
1. Very Very Bright Students could be deployed as Teachers in rural areas for two-four weeks to teach(MATH, ENGLISH, SCIENCE,GEOGRAPHY, HISTORY) those interested and bright students of rural areas. Apparently, we could improve the learning outcome from class I-Class X where we can't provide Quality Motivated Faculty and at the same time we could give opportunity to  'Students Teachers' in Leadership by exposing them to Work and Rural Landscape/Urban Areas who could not otherwise afford the cost.
2. Summer Camps can be organised in Schools for a week for those students who are interested and those teachers wish to volunteer with interest. In Sports, Fine Arts, Music,Creative Writing, Story Telling. Corporate Resources can be sought to augment the human & material resources for such a program.
 Hope you will explore the possibility of doing a Pilot Project to assess the cost vis-a -vis the return before implementing the project in the large scale in this summer vacation.
Thanking you.
Kind Regards,
Bikash Choudhury



AAP party generated unprecedented interest among people and therefore spread through out the country in a very short time and many outstanding persons from various walks of life have joined them and created hope for corruption free good governance with committed delivery. But, unfortunately, AAP and its leaders have managed to become drama queens or item number girl the next door. They complained too much against every thing and every body and offered no solutions. Kejriwal says his party would corner 100 seat in Lok Sabha and no party would have the numbers to form a Govt. and his party would not form the Govt. neither support any other party and he himself does not wish to be the Prime Minister if his party voted to the power. Our constitution has provision of Presidents rule in the State but not in the Central Govt.; therefore, his utterance seems to be utterly childish or plain irresponsible. His 49 days Govt. in Delhi gave ample demonstration of their potential for great anarchy. AAP apart from being a bunch of liars; they are also hypocrites of highest order. As they have been past master in saying some thing, doing another and still think of some thing totally opposite of their thought and action. But, they have managed to garner a significant amount of support on the streets and have very committed workers in many parts of the country; however, the future looks very bleak for the party as they would likely to meet the same fate as countless Anti Corruption Crusaders before them like V.P.Singh. Corruption targeting is important but it is also very important to gather the thoughts to govern the country efficiently. Those who have been lionized by the media have suffered the mortification of its ire if they do not play by the rules set by themselves; shifting goal posts continuously can’t be an option and holier than though approach would prove counter productive. End of the road for AAP if it does not change its irritable, illogical and at times uncouth approach to Politics. Millions and millions of Indian people had very high hopes from AAP; but, it has grossly betrayed them all.      

Monday, March 24, 2014



Reaching out to 800 million electorates in 2014 general election and
for three state assemblies prove to be a Herculean task for the top
National & Regional Political parties in the country whose numbers
could be between 50-100. If the task was not difficult enough the fund
raising to meet the cost of reaching out to voters in the election
season makes the task really daunting and certainly not for the
chicken hearted. Earlier Political parties raised funds from their
members, legislatures, parliamentarians and business houses; but, now
the demand for political funds is far out stripping the supply with
mushrooming of political parties. AAP, the first political party in
the country which is following the foot steps of USA by organizing the
fund raising with 'dinner' with its top leader. There can be other
innovative and socially appropriate methods of Political Fund Rasing
in a transparent manner; however, copy & paste and reverse engineering
have now been the forte of Indians and Chinese. Here I wish to toast a
novel method of Political Fund Rasing which could also be equally
appealing to the donors.

                                                  Political Parties
could now raise substantial amount of funds from high net worth
individuals (HNI) and even corporate sector by organizing "Art
Auctions" in collaboration with Art Galleries in the city with little
amount of connoisseur foods, drinks-preferably non-alcoholic and some
soul melting music thrown in combo. And, donors would gleefully open
up their purse strings to collect 'donor passes' paying a decent sum
of money and also signing cheques generously for owning the master
pieces of art by bidding boisterously over a good drink while keeping
their inflated egos in their wallet inside pocket. I am sure Political
Parties (with followings in the classes & masses) would go all the way
to the bank laughingly. In fact Political Parties could kill three
birds with one stone. Connect with people in a creative way while
sharing the message of the party among the connoisseurs of art and at
the same time they would help finance the Artist community in our
country who are yet to break even due to paucity of a vibrant art
market and last but not the least; the funds collected for the party
could be a real bonus to further spread the message of the party. Any

Friday, March 21, 2014



Congress Party in Odisha would be wiped out in the 2014 election next month and could even disintegrate after the election is over. The Jena duo running the affairs of the state have already driven out the leader of the opposition and many senior leaders from the party recently and party workers are now being forced to desert the party in droves to keep their bread and butter while adjusting their sail to the powerful wind blowing against the Congress Party  due to the anger and frustration of people on price rise and monumental corruption in last five years and on top of it the Central gross neglect to Odisha at the time of distress has terribly angered and hurt the sentiment of people. Further, the machination of Jena that prevented Biju Patnaik from becoming Prime Minister of India has not been completely forgotten. The powerful Patnaik faction of former Chief Minister after being completely sidelined in the party affairs in the state are keenly watching and patiently waiting for their pound of the flesh after the election. If they were not reinstated in the driving seat of the party after the election they are likely to split the party in the middle and could float a Regional Congress Party in Odisha. Be that as it may, the decimation of Congress Party in Odisha is matter of months if not in days.