Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Bikash Choudhury

After sweeping the three tier panchayata election in the State, winning seventy five percent of Zila parisada seats and over eighty percent of Zilaparisad i.e., 26 out of 30 districts; Biju Janata Dal has eventually attained an unassailable lead in the body polity of the State in just over ten years from the formation of the party on the name and ideals of legendary Sri Biju Patnaik. Now, what next? Repeating the numbers in assembly election in 2014 election would be a cake walk for BJD; knowing the political mobilization at the grass roots; and, therefore, could not be a goal to look forward to. Recent victory is a huge opportunity and also could pose a threat if complacency sets in with the rank and file and economic surge does not match with political mobilization over a period of time. This should be a good time for Biju Janata Dal to reinvent itself once again as it is easier done at the peak of electoral achievement than the other way round. With three fourth of seat in State assembly; party should and must go for a faster economic transformation in the State and also look forward to greener pastures.
Economic transformation with reduction in income disparity among people and across the different regions must now be targeted with reasonable exception like KBK-which needs an altogether different treatment to catch up with the rest of the State in terms of development. With low per capita income of less than 500 USD; surplus budget may not be the right prescription according to famous economist John Maynard Keynes; however, blind deficit financing for a faster turn around of the State economy also may not bring desired result. What is needed is targeted Deficit Financing to invest in the drivers of the State Economy could make all the difference in medium to long term; but, before attempting one would recommend the State to bring substantial improvement in the efficiency of public expenditure and explore possibility of harvesting tax & non-tax revenue to the tune of 20-30% of collection by suitable methods.Once that is done, it is ideal to borrow and invest in the drivers of economy if need be; in Higher Education & Research, Agriculture sector (in the domain of value addition only), Agriculture supply chain, Tourism and Infrastructure sectors
Biju Janata Dal could replicate the successful formula in grass root political mobilization in neighboring states; apart from taking the initiative for an alternative to UPA & NDA; a third front, to fill an apparent leadership vacuum in National political scene. This will require empowerment of young Turks like Jay Panda, Kalikesh Singhdeo, Mahatab and Tatagata Satapathy; while making provisions for home coming for old Biju loyalist to increase the bench strength of senior and experience leaders who could independently craft coalition across the country under the BJD banner for an eventual push for Delhi durbar. With little imagination Biju Janata Dal could bring about an impact & epoch making changes in the State, in the country and in the World we live in by pursuing a political line “prosperous Odisha, Developed India and Peaceful World”.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Phenomenal Move-Third Front

The announcement about preparation for a new front at the center by BJD supremo is an astute and phenomenal move and could not have been better timed; on the eve of clean sweep of three tier Panchayata election for his party. Two years before general election 2014 is actually right time as there would be enough time to organize a new front with a common policy and program to be able to offer a stable and strong alternative at the union govt. in place of UPA & NDA. With growing influence of regional parties in the country, a coalition of regional parties with a national perspective augurs well; and could spell a new realignment among political parties both in Govt. and in opposition.This should fulfill the wishes and ambition of Biju Babu; who envisaged a greater role for Odisha in National and International affairs.

How to root out Corruption?

Bikash Choudhury

Just shouting out from the roof top about controlling corruption would not help;unless and until we call off the bluff, hypocracy and double standard in and around political system and electoral practices. We expect our politicians to be clean in their financial dealings while cast aspersions even if they earn through a perfectly legal and transparent business and not withstanding the need for spending millions of rupees to win election from a parliamentary/legislative constituency. Therefore, you would find all easy money making and dirty business are some way or the other routed to politicians that includes Betting, Prostitution,Begging Syndicate, Liquor and many other such activities. We need to change all that to have a grip over corruption.

Sunday, February 5, 2012


Bikash Choudhury

While sipping a hot and authentic cappuccino in a crowded Coffee CafĂ© day outlet at a prominent place in the city among very good looking faces; mind travels back to those student days; where our teachers made us to write essay on “If I were the Prime Minister?” in our juvenile wisdom we write how India should be a military power, venture into space and beyond; having an Indian on the moon and many other such Ideas that caught our attention. Now, after so many years when our mind delves on that question; our adult perspective is drawn to the example of China which multiplied its gross domestic product ten times in less than three decade (1998-2006). If I were to become the Prime Minister of India for the balance tenure of fifteenth Loksabha; I would certainly aim to drive the growth matching that of China in this decade and beyond. China in spite of being a communist country dared to experiment with free market economy and able to lift millions of people out of poverty while India dithers in each step. There is a saying “if you wish to catch fish then you have to give a bait of earth worm” though, the example not identically still has relevance to the context: “if you wish to draw the attention of politicians then you need to show hard currency and trappings of power”. Politicians of all hue would like to be rulers of a rich and prosperous country whose members of parliament feted in the capitals of foreign countries.
First of all Indian polity need to give a break to competitive politics for at least a decade and encourage collaborative politics to facilitate political unity that could shape our policies in socio-economic-political domain that defied consensus and credible solutions in over six decades. Secondly, we can neither ignore young people nor their new ideas; therefore, it is essential to give our private sector enterprise a free hand to grow at break neck speed while conquering markets, developing new competencies and creating jobs while generating wealth for the nation to invest in the social sector with buoyant tax revenue while attempting fiscal prudence. At the same time making the public sector to perform or perish in a competitive global environment to save public money from gross misuse while improving performance, productivity and high standards of work ethics & culture. Thirdly, it is imperative to give a new drive to class collaboration to release the creative energy of the nation for faster development in each walk of life while making cleanliness as one of the most important policy and practices that would reflect the way our cities and towns are presented and work at the peak of efficiency and thereby attract resources, both human capital and investment. Fourth, it would be now suicidal not to effect changes in our judicial and policing system and taxation policy(a progressive taxation system that tax the rich according to their ability to pay; while leaving surplus with middle class and sparing the poor) that would have substantial potential to add value and contribute to the socio-economic progress of the country. Fifth, we have neglected our Agriculture sector & rural economy for too long; without a robust agriculture production in terms of value; industrial & manufacturing growth would remain insignificant. Therefore, a bold move for structural changes in Agriculture can’t be pushed further; but, that would require a national consensus to be effective. With that we need to preserve and protect our water resources including marine; while conserving maximum possible rain water with military precision. Sixth, our delivery mechanism needs to be overhauled from the bottom to top on an urgent basis to be an effective change agent for whom we need to revisit the organizational design and review the human resources management practices in govt. to add imagination, new ideas and entrepreneurship in public policy with stringent enforcement of responsibility and accountability with oversight mechanism to encourage govt. employees to perform at the peak of their ability. This will also require bringing together of all organs of Govt. at central and states at political level as well as technology. Seventh, it is over due to look at our foreign policy in a comprehensive manner. We need to follow the example of USA to use foreign policy as an economic tool for faster growth and political muscle in South Asia and Global affairs; for which we need to double the outlay for the external affairs ministry in union Govt.
By now half of my Cappuccino had gone cold; with only, consolation of completing the essay “If I were the Prime Minister?” once again, after 27 years.