Monday, August 30, 2010


(Published in The New Indian Express on 31 August 2010)
Bikash Choudhury

Central Govt. took a decision recently, against mining of Niyamgiri mountain; decision was in favor of preservation of a 'live and valuable ecosystem @ Niyamgiri mountain range', but, the manner and modus operandi smacks of little political overtone.That is unfortunate and uncalled for. Vedanta Alumina operations at Lanjighar has also a social purpose apart from its commercial proposition. The ideal thing should be to provide an alternative mines for the company to run the facility which would create ample employment opportunity without taking a heavy toll of our environment.There is a need for an Autonomous Mining Regulator which will frame policy on Mining Industry keeping in view of the growth requirement and the need to protect our environment without any malice. The country has extremely good experience with the regulatory mechanism in telecom sector spearheaded by TRAI, in Insurance sector by IRDA and Capital Markets by SEBI.
Mining Industry has contributed 2.7% of GDP in 2006-7 and set to contribute $ 75 Billion USD to the GDP by 2015 as per CII estimate; and, therefore the immediate need for an empowered & autonomous regulator for Mining Industry that would facilitate growth of the Industry, with due safe guards to our bio-sphere.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Intrinsic Value of Rupee

(Published in The new Indian Express on 28 August 2010)
Bikash Choudhury

It is always music to our ears when Global Leaders concede India as emerging Global Power. But, can we eventually, reach that stage without having a strong currency? In my opinion, the current purchasing power and external value of Indian Rupee does not reflect the actual intrinsic value of our currency.
One of the reason being huge cache of green back stashed away offshore; however, recent decision to use Indian symbol for Rupee is a step in right direction.We have to do much more to strengthen it in next ten years.
In supply side, we need to check the proliferation of fake currency by institutionalizing arrangement with all State Govt. & union territory.Further, Union Finance ministry must be proactive enough to bring all unaccounted Indian currency to the mainstream financial system through judicious mix of legislation, policy concessions and coercive measures.
In the other side luckily, two important pieces of legislations, like direct tax code and GST are under various stages of implementation. Other important things that have evaded our collective attention and wisdom are inefficiency in energy transmission systems, that is whopping 40% and wastages in fruits and vegetables that stands at sixty seven thousand crore(16.5 billion USD) as per some recent estimate.
Given a political will and a broad national consensus these challenges can be effectively dealt with in a period of ten years. Last thing but not the least in the list; the opportunity to challenge low cost manufacturing prowess of China by using Distributed Manufacturing paradigm and utilising the services of unemployed and under employed women and men in rural areas. That would have a huge impact on our exports. Our Industry associations like CII & FICCI can play an enabling role in achieving this objective.
If we stay the course of realizing ‘true intrinsic value’ of Indian Rupee with due patience for ten years, we may be able to double the purchasing power and external value of our currency at the end of such exercise.

Monday, August 23, 2010

How to restore peace in Kashmir Valley?

(Published in The New Indian Express on 5 August 2010)
Bikash Choudhury

Omar Abdullah, Chief Minister of J&K said “current demonstration in the valley is spontaneous outburst of people” in his press conference at Delhi. If it is true, then instead of calling for additional paramilitary forces; he should order himself, his cabinet colleagues, Leader of Opposition and all legislators of J&K assembly to organize street corner meetings and allow the demonstrators to speak their mind and Govt. should listen and, assure the youths about a time frame for actions on each of their suggestions publicly. If it were as simple as this then Omar Govt. would have done all of this and more, long a go. It is apparent there are serious fissures within the National Conference itself and, may be between the father & son team; and the turf wars among top Congress leaders from the valley complicating things for Omar. PDP gets an opportunity on a platter, to earn a few brownie points politically; by remaining a mute spectator to daily killings of innocents. Without a Political consensus it may be difficult to restore peace on the streets of valley. Pakistani barracks must be raising a toast at the coffins of our young ones. Our security forces are working under very difficult situation; therefore, Govt. must make available crowd control technology and equipments to minimize collateral losses while enforcing the Law and Order. Good luck to Omar, the youngest chief minister of free India.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Preserve Niyamgiri Ecosystem

Bikash Choudhury

Orissa Govt. is one among the leading State having framed comprehensive mitigation plan for climate change and apparently designed a protocol for execution with a chain of command. Environmental activist would offer kudos to the Govt. for being proactive on climate change. However, Govt. initiative to surrender ‘Niyamgiri’ mountain range for Bauxite mining does not confirm to the policy of climate change mitigation. As Niyamgiri mountains holds a complete eco system with its own fountain, water streams, medicinal plants and traditional habitat for Dongria Kondh Tribal; any mining activity in the vicinity would completely destroy the rich eco system and would create further challenges for climate change mitigation. The climate of Orissa has already suffered hugely, due to extensive and irresponsible mining activities in Sambalpur, Angul and Keonjhar district. The blistering heat & heat wave during summer and erratic rains during monsoon is one of the manifestations of climate change. Govt.and people must now be aware of consequence of destroying natural eco-system.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

American Economy Revival

(Published in The New Indian Express on 23Aug'10 in Letter to Editor column)

Bikash Choudhury

Americans are very good at philanthropy, recent announcement of Bill Gates & Warren Buffett donating half of their net worth for charity; made the World, sit up and take notice. However, Americans are not generous enough with the Product Life Cycle. They generally believe in use, throw and buy a fresh one; unlike Indians who prefer to use a product much beyond their respective PLC by repair and overhaul which is of course cheaper due to lower labor cost. But, using product over longer period of time has its own advantage if we add the cost of managing waste, cost of pollution and cost of net additional carbon foot print by the use of new products. Use and throw policy of Americans create a high cost economy which at present they can ill afford. Rather, Americans use each product for full PLC and out source repair & overhaul to Indians who are past masters in the trade. This will increase savings in American house holds, reduce per-capita waste, minimize carbon foot print and create a new eco-system for repair & overhaul for each product.

Americans have reached at the peak of their life style that makes the economy a high cost one. At this point of time Americans have to voluntarily give up a few comforts in life that will enable them to pick up jobs at lower compensation and therefore, stop employers from parceling jobs to cheaper destination. Americans can also migrate from weekly to monthly payment of salary system to promote thrift in the economy.

Americans must do what they are best at, that is path breaking innovation; last century, the World was driven by American innovation and that can only be retained by allowing bright minds of World to flourish in their trade in American soil. As half of humanity move from poverty towards a middle class life style; they would consume huge amount of energy which is in short supply. Global challenge would be to meet the energy requirement without adding to the carbon foot print; and, therefore the need for appropriate technology to produce clean & green energy at the cost which ordinary people can afford. Other thing that Americans can contribute significantly is in the area of Natural Disaster Mitigation. As the current trend reveal, natural disaster would happen more often and at more places across the World; as we continue to fight the repercussions of climate change. Though, we can’t prevent natural disaster; at least we can mitigate its effects and minimize the loss of lives with better technology, know-how and Skilled manpower. Americans are well suited to meet these challenges and in the bargain help retain global leadership and value of their currency for Central Banks World over.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Inclusive Banking

(Published in The New Indian Express on 26 August 2010)
Bikash Choudhury

RBI recently released a discussion paper on license for new private banks.At the outset, I wish to congratulate RBI for seeking out broad consultation on a policy that would have bearing on millions of people like us in the country. I wish to share some of my concern pertaining to the term of reference in the discussion paper of RBI. The finance minister Sri Pranab Mukherji, outlined the necessity of fresh banking license to cater to the un-banked geographical areas in the country, in his budget speech. Now, Banker worth his salt knows too well that the un-banked geographical area is a challenge and an opportunity. Therefore, the principal objective of new banking license should be to offer low cost banking solutions in those areas. To mop up CASA in these un-banked areas and to offer very low cost credit for small loans to Agri & allied sectors & MSME. Traditional Private Banking may not be able to meet the above objective due to high cost of banking and thin spread. The solution lies in creating a unique type of NBFC that will collaborate with consortium of Banks (All type) to offer banking solutions with the help of Existing Village Money lenders/Financier-- in a Banking Correspondent Business Model tried by SBI. This may require a Law to prevent private money lending by making it illegal. To cover entire country four large scale NBFC with deep pockets can be given license for the purpose to look after respective geographical regions with a mandate to collect maximum possible low cost funds and offer low cost credit to villagers with suitable arrangement with consortium of Banks/Post Office so that nearest Bank/Post office could look after, Brick & Mortar operations of bank without any additional investment, except Technology so required to integrate Banking Correspondents--NBFC- Nearest Bank Branch. Micro Finance could be one of the profitable portfolios of NBFC.

Benefits:(Edited portion of the article)
(1) The current Capacity of Banking Industry;specifically Gramya & Co-operative banks can be fully utilized.
(2) Capital investment can be minimized for such NBFC.
(3) Low Transaction cost for last mile banking solutions.
(4) Generate formal and informal employment for skilled,semi skilled and unskilled labor
(5) Low NPA in correspondent/micro finance model.
(6) Can create assets like Warehousing, Cold Chain at rural hubs.
(7) If successful, can save Farming community from the jaws of Money Lenders.

Alternatively, New Private Banks would repeat the same activity of existing Private & Public sector Banks and caught in the game of Balance Sheet, Foot Falls and Profitability. However, New Private Banks may be needed to cater to growing urbanization & migration from rural areas; but, this should be a distinct exercise keeping in view of demand & supply for banking services.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Gandhi- A Great Betrayal

Bikash Choudhury

If Mohammed Ali Jinnha, Pundit Nehru and Sardar Patel were alive today; then, they would have regretted their decision of Balkanizing the country to gain independence from British Empire against the express wishes of Gandhi. Keeping in view of current precarious security situation of South Asia; mature political analyst would agree that Gandhi’s vision for the region and his apprehension about two nation theories was on the bull’s eye. Unfortunately, a few imperialist were able to sell the balkanization theory to these three distinguished individuals of eminence of their times. Apparently, Jinnha was first to regret the separation of the country as he deeply missed his personal life in Mumbai and was saddened to be the principal sponsor of “moth eaten Pakistan” in his own words. The two nation theory came to naught in 1971 with the birth of Bangladesh. I wish if Nehru and Patel would have agreed to Gandhi’s formula of sharing power with Muslim league then today we could have enjoyed the benefit of living in secular and united India. Now, after over sixty years of independence; we are in a position to confirm, partition of the country then, has created more problem than could probably solve; as the last sixty years history of violence, communal tension, wars and current problem of global terrorism bear us out. May be, 9/11 would have never happened; if India was left alone as single country in 1947. Gandhi was the only person who has actually foreseen the current eventuality; but, he was sadly over ruled by his own followers for which our generation is paying a stiff price day in and day out inside our homes and on the street. The current turmoil in Kashmir and loss of life of innocent boys on the street of valley is just the recipes of that historic mistake of our leaders which is now, almost irreversible; at least, sensible people at the helm of affairs, in both sides of the borders must be aware of our common history. That would give a semblance of scope for policy makers not to be intransigent and stop empty and often repeated rhetoric in either side. We Indians mostly fail to comprehend; why Pakistani Army holds and exercises disproportionate amount of power unlike Indian Army which is answerable to civil administration all the time. This is precisely because of insecure mindset of Pakistani ruling elite; in their perception Pakistani Army remain the sine quoa none of Pakistani State which is far from truth and reality; though, creation of Bangladesh has reconfirmed their nominal perception. Why India and Pakistan peace talks invariably fails? Indians don’t know how to deal with the insecure mindset of Pak ruling elites and what exactly would satisfy Pakistanis to sign on the dotted line for peaceful co-existence. Pakistanis now know that India does not have any evil design but refuse to believe and sadly Pak army won’t let them believe even if they wish; to keep the strangle hold over power. Unless and until India and Pakistan are in the same page over Kabul; peace in Afghanistan would be illusive. India is building the infrastructure of war torn country at great cost to its public exchequer; however, Pakistan continue to sabotage the presence of Indians in Kabul as WikiLeak exposure now confirm; the insecure mindset of Pak Army.

If Gandhi would have reigned in his protégé, then undivided India would have been a reality. What would have been the pay off? We could have avoided the holocaust of the partition, four wars between India & Pakistan, save hugely on the cost of two additional defense forces, China would not have dared to attack an united India and therefore, Tibet would have still remained an independent buffer country, India would have climbed to a seat in the UN security council without much effort and Indian currency would have retained its value by twenty five times, approximately, of current value against sterling. And, instead of three cricket teams we would have just one super India cricket team and serial bomb blast wouldn’t have entered into our lexicon.

It is easy for us to say now that our leaders made a wrong call; but, we need to examine what other alternative could have been explored in that given situation. Pundit Nehru and Sardar Patel were privy to the mindset of Muslim League and their top leaders Mr. Jinnha and Liaquat Ali Khan. Muslim League’s contention was they would not like to live under Hindu majority country with ‘first past post’ system of election which Muslims feared could have gone against their representation. In my opinion, that was a reasonable argument and Congress Leaders could have conceded in favor of a proportional representation with a ‘Federal Constitution’ much the same way as United States of America which has been able to hold a continent in a single political union. Now, we know most of the top leaders passed away within two years from Independence; therefore, leadership would not have been an issue before Pundit Nehru’s towering personality in the sub-continental India and Gandhi would have lived longer to see the fruits of Independent country reaching to the masses on the strength of Gandhian model of sustainable development which has now caught Global attention. It was, indeed, a great betrayal to this country.

Monday, August 2, 2010


Bikash Choudhury

Current evolving situation in state of J&K can be truely compared to explosive dump that would burst with slightest of sparks.It is very clear now that some organisation is instigating people of valley in a planned manner behind the scene.Who could be behind the sporadic violence in the valley? After, Wikileak expousre, it may not be too difficult to guess. However, we need evidence to substantiate before International community.It seems to me there is a dangerous game plan behind current tormoil and therefore, Central, State Govt. and Politicians from valley should not take this lightly. At this hour, all main stream parties must come together to fight the evil designs from across the borders.J&K needs a Govt. of National Reconciliation fast. Farooq Abdula must take charge as Chief Minister of J&K immediately and rope in PDP chief as Deputy Chief Minister;also, retaining Omar in the Govt. Current challenges are enormous and that will require broad consensus to implement stern measures with human face to bring back misguided youth to the mainstream in short run and arrange for their employment in a war footing. That will over a period of time create conducive envirnoment for talks on larger issues.