Monday, April 19, 2010

Time & Social Trend

our promiscuous and liberal social trend among young people apparently need social acceptance to prevent obscene display of emotion in public. Recently, in a city cyber cafĂ© one college going boy and girl were surfing the net; the owner suddenly discovered that student couple have closed the door of small room while trawling the net and instructed them to keep open the door as per their norm; they complied drawing a big face. Other people smirked at the couple for their audacity to seek privacy in a public place. That apart, again, if you visit Ekamra Kanan in the morning or in the evening you would find couple in different degree of intimacy which some times become very embarrassing for a visitor with family and small kids who frequently ask inconvenient question about acrobatics shown by young couples that is difficult to justify in a public place. After all, Bhubaneswar is not as boxed in as Mumbai or other metros. Two decades earlier you won’t have noticed such a spectacle in the city. I would not venture into a value judgment but would like to hold a mirror before the changes happening on our social trend. What has made people in the city so progressive? Is it because of the demonstration effect of contents carried on string of cable channel or advent of mushrooming of co-ed technical institutes or else, people are really missing privacy in their homes?

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Bikash Choudhury

Dantewada event has another dimension-at last, it seems politicians are under threat of loosing their profession by 2060 when Maoist hopes to overrun our democracy and establish a totalitarian rule. No wonder, the leader of opposition in Rajya Saba so eloquently batted for the home minister; who has otherwise in line of fire from his party men and colleagues in the Govt. But, half measures won't do any good either. To completely eliminate Maoist, Govt. has to put its own house in order; that is to complete Police reforms and judicial reforms as quickly as possible so that we can have a professional police force to uphold law and order and a competent judicial system that renders justice in a time frame. IPC also need to be reviewed thoroughly to help law enforcing agencies in investigation and conviction of offenders without any prejudice. At least now, all lawmakers in the country must get together and force the govt. to implement reforms while fighting the Maoist in military offensive at the same time.

How to stop farmer suicide?

Bikash Choudhury

Back ground: In recent past, news paper headline about farmer suicide has become so common that most of us have taken into our stride and move on with our life; however, the problem still persists and would continue to hunt unless and until a permanent solution this problem is found and attempted to implement with all seriousness and effectively. NABARD the nodal agency for development of Agriculture and Rural development must examine the following Idea.

Problem: Farmers are at the receiving end in terms of cost of credit from financial institutions, marketing their produce and storing their produce due to lack of local warehousing facility in the vicinity and further, due to lack of suitable market knowledge about demand for alternative crops; they continue to produce unproductive and un remunerative crops years after year and suffer under the weight of debt and some times few of them sacrifice their life for good. Is their any alternative?

District Co-operative banks: With the help of NABARD each District Co-operative Banks in the country can create an Agriculture & Rural Development Consulting Business division to advise the farmers in entire area in the business of agriculture to help farmers make decent profit. Earlier, commercial banks and Gramya Banks had policy of recruiting Agriculture officers but that policy did not make much impact. Therefore, current policy must be designed in such a manner that would add a new area of competence in DCB and also bring in a new source of revenue. To make that happen, consulting division must recruit highly competent and experienced professionals at market rate of compensation and drive them to create value in the domain of agriculture.

Money lenders: There is a saying ‘if you can’t beat them then join them’ this metaphor is applicable to village money lenders. One more attempt can be made by DCB with due assistance from NABARD to rope in all village money lenders as Banking correspondent of DCB to collect deposits and offer other services at much lower transaction cost to co-operative bank.

NABARD may consider implementing these Ideas in 100 District Co-operative Banks in the country at an investment of Rs 500 Crores.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Option before Amar Singh

Bikash Choudhury

Amar Singh is known for bringing a regional party to national prominence with his characteristic chutzpah, telepresence, sound bites and of course his famous networking skills and contacts with showbiz personality & corporate chieftains. Amar Singh has to his credit of saving the union Govt.of Manmohan Singh single handed with the support of his mentor Mulayam Singh. That is one of his biggest mistakes in his political career. He was used by congress as expected and thrown out mercilessly; in the process he earned the ire of powerful second line leadership in his party and lost the confidence of his leader. Again Amarji committed the second big mistake by not recognizing his shelve life in a family run political shop and just like a novice, pitched himself against others in the Mulayam's family and sadly shown the door as brutally as he had himself done to scores of other leaders in Samajwadi party earlier. Suddenly, Amar Singh after spending over two decades in politics has become a persona-non-grata due to his larger than life public profile. However, nobody would grudge Amar Singh his due as a public figure having a national appeal. What are the options before Amar Singh? Reams of papers have been already wasted in news paper and magazine on the subject but still the issue has live audience; that’s not a mean achievement. And, still millions of people will expect Amar Singh to use his political clout for a constructive and productive national cause. He has already chosen to work on the area of education for children in UP. In my opinion that can not keep him fully engaged politically knowing his famous capability in organisation. Here are a few Ideas for keeping Amar Singhji fully occupied.

In this country there is no dearth of conventional political parties that only talks and creates false public perception for a vote bank; but, there is a need and available political space for an Action Oriented political party that would choose its workers and leaders on the basis of actual work done on the ground for the people and the constituency he or she seeks election. Can Amar Singhji fill this need of Political Space? If yes, then he could earn a huge dividend in terms of mass mobilization and public support. Further, he can organize and mobilize young people for following larger national cause.

• Pitch for transparent private & public funding of election and political parties.
• Work for preservation and development of natural resources-Water, Green Cover ECT.
• Create public awareness for clean and green cities.
• Quality education for all through large scale private intervention.
• And, collaborate with smaller and regional political parties inside and outside parliament to fight for these issues.
Amar Singh's public profile and his intelligent media management would help create a substantial Political space for himself as Leader and Issues that he promotes on national cause. Make over of Amar Singh as a leader with mass base heading a party with difference could be a reality. Amar Singh must give himself one more chance.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

How U.S can hold on to its influence on Global Affairs?

Bikash Choudhury

Initiate and sponsor dialogue between Religions, Race and people across continent for mutual understanding and lasting peace.

Take leadership in cutting defense expenditure and production of arms & ammunition by 10% while persuading other countries to join the effort to create a world free of war and violence.

Provide assistance for preserving and protecting all vulnerable languages across the world. That would facilitate communication among diverse communities.

Encouragement and support for all democratic countries without exception.

Help setting up Global University of Religion at Tel Aviv, Lahore, Baghdad and Bhubaneswar (India).

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Will Obama Preside Over Sunset?

Bikash Choudhury

Empires have come and gone on this earth time and again. Is it time for current super power United States of America to be thrown into the dustbin of history as many of its ilk have met the same fate? Most recently being USSR and earlier than that British Empire also came into its current state in the middle of the last century. History has uncanny habit of repeating itself and also knack of leavening a trace of its time most of the time. USSR disintegrated while Mikhail Gorbachoev was presiding over its affairs and after its failure in Afghanistan. Current AF-Pak policy of US is not only fraught with danger for US and its allies but also to an extent for South East Asia. At the time of exit US will leave Afghanistan much the same way or rather in better shape than aftermath of 9/11. That would be a telling failure of American policy in Afghanistan as it would leave Taliban and its step father ISI much bolder and reprisal would follow American interest on its soil and outside. East Asian Muslim community, who has suffered at the hands of home land security of US soon after 9/11, would positively make a common cause with Taliban and rogue elements of Pakistan, to strike America in a size and scale quite unimaginable at the moment, just like 9/11 was an absolute shocker at its time. It may so happen US could be nuked at multiple location at the same time and at the end unable to recoup from the military and moral setback from such an event; eventually and effectively writing the epitaph on American hegemony on global affairs. May be; if American policy does not change significantly then Obama who came with hope ultimately end up in presiding over the disintegration of USA much the same way as USSR.